Volunteering with CODA Midwest provides benefits that can’t be ignored. Not only does volunteering in general make us better people, but it develops leadership skills, and… it’s more fun that we think!
When we volunteer we develop authenticity, positivity, and confidence, all important skills necessary to be a part of any organization - your school, your work, your profession, your community.
When we volunteer we show we’re doing everything in our power to make our community a little bit better. We become confident that we can make changes and that we’re an important link between people.
Volunteering provides opportunities to learn. We may think we know all there is to know, only to realize there are many more things to learn. We have an organizational vision to support, personal goals to achieve, and an individual sense of purpose to develop. We learn about all of these when we allow our eyes to be opened through volunteering.
Volunteering provides networking opportunities. We may, or may not, rub elbows with well-known people, but we will come into contact with some great codas. Everyone’s a friend, if not family, and volunteering exposes us to the rich diversity we can find in our coda community.
Volunteering challenges us to work with new people, explore new surroundings, get outside our comfort zone and develop ourselves in ways we never thought possible.
Volunteering lets us try new things. It allows us to take risks and handle different situations differently. When one way doesn’t work, another way might. Volunteering allows us to take risks, and adjust ourselves to the situation at hand.
Volunteering develops our authenticity, self confidence, sense of purpose, personal network, an exposure to our rich, diverse, coda community, and… it’s more fun than you think!
Consider this your invitation to apply as a volunteer with CODA Midwest!