- 5:00 PM - Free will donation barbecue at the hospitality cabin for those arriving early.
- 10:00 am - Registration
- 12:00 pm - Lunch on your own
- 3:00 pm - First timers meeting
- 4:00 pm - Buddy meeting
- 5:00 pm - Ice Breaker
- 6:00 pm - Dinner buffet provided
- 7:00 pm - Opening Key Note: Melvin Walker, "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires"
As a person who has been in various leadership roles, over time you learn through trial by fire to predict, prevent and extinguish conflicts, beginning with the self. Humbly raised by Deaf parents and the community, Melvin learned through their guidance how to be selfless and show grace. Their hard work and dedication taught Melvin leadership skills and to meet others where they are at, for which he tries to incorporate into his personal and professional daily life. Participants will be able to self-analyze basic strengths toward supporting others, identify ways to embrace gaps/faults of self and others, understand no one is infallible, identify a situation where their response was more important than the situation itself. (0.1 GS) - 10:00 PM - Hospitality Cabin
- 8:00 am - Breakfast on your own.
- 10:00 am - Diane Jones, “Coda Identity: Exploration thru Memories” This workshop is an exploration of our Coda, Deaf and hearing identities through various stages of life. Participants will explore the dictionary definition of Coda, compare and contrast definition to real life definitions, develop an understanding of their Deaf, Coda and hearing parts, reflect on experiences during various stages of their life, develop an increased awareness of their Coda Identities and when they are in those identities, and develop strategies to becoming more comfortable when identities overlap. (0.2 PS)
- 12:00 pm - Lunch buffet provided
- 2:00 pm - Jackie Gee, “Considering the role of CODA ‘uncles and aunties:’ Appreciating our CODA cul-diversity” Is there still a need for mentoring and modeling, and for whom? Some of us have traveled and weathered our various journeys with our identities, whether it be trail blazing the itty-bitty path with pricker bushes, well-traveled maintained trail, or breaking the sound barrier while traveling down the Autobahn. Never-the-less the modes, what are some of the impacts of our variable upbringings and social influences? Do we understand ourselves enough? Did we figure it out and do we hold the key? Are we frozen when it comes to our identity? Do we have someone in our life speaking into us and imparting warmth, love, and wisdom of our CODA likeness? This is an invitation to explore differences which exist in our CODA world experiences. (0.2 PS)
- 4:00 pm - Dagmar King, "Leather Craft and Other Forms of Self Care" Research has shown that crafting, regardless of the medium, bolsters mood, improves self-confidence, and reduces overall stress. Research has also shown that those with PTSD, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Insomnia and any level of chronic pain have achieved a reduction in symptoms by incorporating crafts into their lives. This workshop will introduce participants to the practice of leathercraft as one form of self-care and review other types of self-care options. Participants will learn the hand stitch technique of saddle stitching, how to work with waxed thread and leather, and create a small portfolio notebook cover using the materials and technique they've learned. (0.2 GS)
- 7:00 pm - Dinner buffet provided
- 8:00 pm - Auction
- 9:00 pm - Entertainment
- 11:00 pm - Hospitality Cabin
- 8:00 am - Continental breakfast provided
- 10:00 am - Closing Key Note: Craig Ridgeway, "One CODAs Journey" Craig will weave tales from his traveling adventures, healing journeys, and embodiment. Participants will reflect upon their own identity and sense of belonging as CODA’s, as individual interpreters, and in their larger place in society. Participants will better understand the complexity of identity formation as a C/coda including a sense of belonging, intersectionality, and personal experiences. (0.1 GS)
- 12:00 pm - Open Mic & check out.